Apr 20th, 2005, 09:16am
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.
- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
- The Telluride Occurrence
The Zeshua Prophecies
She arrived online in February 2005, and in many ways was like John Titor. Like him, she claimed to be from the future, but instead of an alleged physically time traveling soldier from 2036, she professed to be an American physics student studying in Britain in 2025 who figured out how to use quantum physics to access the internet through time. Like Titor, she also warned of an impending planet-wide disaster, and like him, she made quite a number of predictions that have since seemed to come true, but no successes that were absolutely unequivocally beyond all shadow of a doubt. Unlike Titor, who posted online for just six short months in 2000-2001, Zeshua arrived in 2005 and didn’t disappear until early this year. She claimed that her communications with us had a noble purpose : to helping as many of us as possible to survive a coming catastrophe, but she also claimed that she could only help a very few.
General Overview of Her Future History
In 2005, Zeshua predicted the arrival of a worldwide economic meltdown that would arrive in 2007 and last until 2011, followed by an additional four years of widespread war, famine, and other horrors that would ultimately consume billions of lives. She turned out to be right about the timing of the arrival of the economic collapse, as December 2007 marked the beginning of the current “recession”. This is a noteworthy predictive success; although a small minority of other people in 2005 were also correctly predicting the coming of the current recession, no one but Zeshua nailed the exact year it would begin.
Unfortunately, the rub of the Zeshua story is that she is vague on so many of the details of what is to come. She insists this is neither her fault nor her choice, saying her hands are existentially tied in how much she can reveal, restrained by the very laws of nature. In the ultimate “Catch-22", the more she reveals to us about the times ahead, the more she winds up changing her own past in the process. And the more she changes her own past, the higher the probability becomes that she will divert herself from the sequence of events in her life that led her to communicate with the past in the first place. And as soon as she diverts herself from that life path, she winds up not changing the past at all. Thus, any major change she might cause in the timeline just winds up cancelling itself out before it even starts. She says she must carefully design her predictions so that the majority of her readership will not grant her credence, editing those predictions in such a way that substantial disbelief is retained. Either she is vague on the details of her predictions, or the actual wording of her predictions are delivered in such a way that they carry some degree of uncertainty themselves.
Most of her predictions are not time-stamped very clearly, although a handful have been. More often she says that something will happen, but doesn’t say when or where, much like Nostradamus so infuriatingly did. But on a few rare occasions, she did made dated predictions, and it is to her credit that none of them have proved blatantly incorrect, and many seemed quite prophetic :
* In March 2005, she posted : “What happens if the Pope dies? 3/4/05", and to the half the world that lives on the other side of the International Date Line and uses British-style DD/MM/YY dating, Pope John Paul II did die on that day.
* In April 2005, she predicted that the next big event in the US would be a crisis that could be seen coming in the sky. Four months later, Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans. It was not only “the next big event in the US”, but was indeed a crisis, and could be seen in the skies for days before it struck New Orleans.
* In April 2005, she predicted that an economic collapse would arrive in 2007, and the current recession did begin that year.
The more specific she is on some details, the less she is on others. When she gave a list of events predicted to occur between 2007 - 2009, she limited the predictions to just a few words each, insuring that there would be no shortage of arguments about them. But to make doubly sure these dangerously dated predictions made a limited impact on her readership, she coded the entire list of predictions in anagram.
And to further insure that an element of disbelief was retained, she only posted a portion of her full set of predictions publicly, and relayed a different portion via email to a select group of individuals, ensuring that the predictions subsequently released by that group would be viewed with suspicion and doubt..
Sometimes the mystery is not that she has seemed to make a correct prediction, but merely that she somehow defied the odds to make sure the door was left open for that argument. Take for example the time when a reader named Nitescott challenged her to post a certain list of randomly generated numbers before he did, She dutifully complied, posting 12 lines of computer code that she claimed was Nitescott’s coming numbers, but encoded. Then a few days later Nitescott posted the list of numbers he promised to randomly generate, and everyone wrote off the test as a meaningless failure because Zeshua’s answers were all encoded. It wasn’t until months went by that anyone noticed that Nitescott’s list had twelve numbers in it, just as Zeshua’s list had twelve lines of “encoded numbers”. There’s no way to prove that Zeshua’s 12-item code list is the same as Notescott’s 12-item number list ... but how did Zeshua know to post the exact same amount of items as Nitescott did? Zeshua either happened to guess correctly that Nitescott would have exactly twelve numbers in his list, or she demonstrated foreknowledge. And while she didn’t allow Nitescott’s test to give her too much credibility, she did manage to be “right enough” to keep things interesting, correctly guessing the number of items on the list, but not the items themselves. If she had not posted the same number of coded lines in her answer as Nitescott posted numbers, then her critics could justifiably claim she failed the test, but she avoided that defeat, despite the odds. How could she have known that Nitescott would post precisely twelve numbers, and not five or ten or fifty? She didn’t pull all the numbers out of Nitescott’s hat before he did, but she did pull one of them. This is not enough in and of itself to prove Zeshua is real, but it is enough to keep her from being proven a fraud, and that sort of thing happens again and again with her predictions.
This numberplay is similar to her prediction about the Pope’s death. Her 3/4/05 could have meant March 4th 2005 or April 3 2005, depending on US or British time formats. But March 4th 2005 on the East of the International Date Line is March 5th on the Western side, and March 4th on the Western side is March 3rd on the Eastern side. April 3rd on the Eastern side is April 4th on the Western side, and April 3rd on the Western side is April 2nd on the Eastern side. Thus, her 3/4/05 could represent a total of four actual moments in time : March 4th & 5th and April 2nd & 3rd (as calculated in the USA). Zeshua’s 3/4/05 prediction thus covered four distinct days in 2005. When she made this prediction, there were only 303 days left in 2005, and singling out just four days out of a total of 303 gave her a minuscule 1.3% chance of getting this prediction right, odds which she somehow overcame when the Pope did die on April 2, 2005. This apparent predictive success came dangerously close to violating her need for disbelief, and if she had not also worded the prediction vaguely enough to allow some debate (“What happens when the Pope dies? 3/4/05" instead of “What happens when the Pope dies? Find out 3/4/05") , her ability to score a success when the odds were 98.7% against would have made her too famous to avoid making a major impact on the timeline.
Zeshua goes to a lot of trouble, via her predictions, to convince us of her claims about our future. But then after going through all that trouble, she gives comparatively little guidance on how to best survive the coming times. Her advice includes :
* Avoid the coming vaccine.
* Prepare for economic collapse, social unrest, and famine.
* Stock up enough food to survive many months to a year without going to a store.
* Stock up on salt, as many places will be able to grow their own food and pump their own water, but won’t be able to supply themselves with the vital nutrient salt. Expect to use salt as a valuable barter commodity.
* Avoid becoming a displaced person if possible, as the majority of people who successfully survived were those who made a go of it in their own homes.
* Prepare to confront violence in your own neighborhoods, and be prepared to defend your own survival supplies.
* Prepare to survive for a time without gasoline, electricity, or natural gas.
* Be prepared to change from a dollar-based economy to a barter-based economy, by 2011.
* Be prepared to live for a time without any interstate transport of goods.
In 2006, an alleged time traveller from 2026 posted at TTI the following predictive poem, which was in anagram:
1. A Soldiers Most
2. Hail War As
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts
4. A Sidearm Dwelt
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
7. A Quarks Humble Tree
8. Manilla Curse
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks
10. Demons Former Jig Jug
11. A Liberal Disses One
12. Toss My Foes A Reference
13. Heaters High Storm
The solutions to the anagrams turned out to be as follows:
A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug = SIGN FROM MEDJUGORJE
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS
Most of them have since come true. Line 5's economic collapse arrived in 2008, and the Palestinian Massacre arrived in early 2009. Sharia Law arrived in England shortly after this poem was posted, and AHMADINEJAD has remained in the news ever since it was posted. Line 12 was fulfilled with the arrival of Wikileaks, and line 13 was fulfilled with the massive oceanic methane leaks.
Line 4's Middle East War has not materialized, but line 8's Nuclear Islam arrived this year when Iran reached 20% fuel enrichment.
In March 2005, Zeshua predicted that Pope John Paul II would die on the exact day of April 3, 2005 .
In fact, John Paul II died in Rome on April 2nd at 9:37 PM local time. That was just one day off from being an exact correct hit.
Or was it? When John Paul II died, while it may have been April 2nd in Rome, it was April 3rd in all of the Middle East, Asia, the Far East, and even Australia.
In other words, to the vast majority of the world’s population, John Paul II indeed did die on April 3rd, just as Zeshua predicted.
It was a spectacular hit.
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