Saturday, 17 November 2012

Project Nobody Prophecies

Operation Pandora's Box

3) The signs would be that your (US)economy will give the appearance of improving, but the true is that this is only an illusion that will soon break...

His prophecies were correct.

1. In 2011 he claimed that no stock market crash would occur before 2013. 

2. In March 2011 he claimed that Romney would win the Republican nomination.

3. In March 2011 he claimed that Obama would win re-election.

4. On July 19 2011 he predicted that the debt ceiling would 
be raised again.

5. In 2011 he claimed that “Nothing will happen in regards to elenin, Nibiru, or 2012".

6. In 2011 he claimed that “United states of America will be safe all the way until the year 2013" 

7. In 2011 he claimed that the USA would see “seasons of ...extreme dryness in some regions of the country ”, and then an unprecedented drought occurred in the Midwest that lasted for most of the whole season of Summer 2012. 

Future Predictions
Economic downturn starts with Europe(Greece) to other major Europe countries then US  next year. USD will not worth much.
2016 economy collapse
Confiscating of weapons
Confiscating of gold and silver
Civilians against Government, Government wins.
Enemy of the states nuked USA.
Oregon is a dead state, flee that area.

Here to find "the nobody" to alter the future. To speed things up.
To reduce damage

His Exact Posts


United states of America will be safe all the way until the year 2013, after that you will experience economical collapse and a heavy social unrest...

Your economy will decline gradually until it reaches a point of breakdown.....

The safest places after that year are outside cities isolated rural areas, places where you don't have contact with large groups of people...

Their Purpose There is someone very important that post here in GLP, he will be responsible for many things in your future. You call him the nobody....

This is why we are here......

Okay I will give you more information in regards on how things are going to unfold in the next two to four years......

1...Obama will run for president against Mitt Romney, the election is already fix so Obama will win the election very easily. 

2...The economy of your country will begin declining after the election. Obama will be incapable of changing or improving the situation. Since he is as corrupt as his predecessor....

3...The beginning of the economical collapse of united states will begin after Europe collapses and the euro declines as currency. The USA will fall soon after Europe...

4..Wars and natural disasters will continue damaging and further deterioration the current structures of world control....

There are other things that will happen from now to the end of your current system but if I was to be to accurate with them. I could get in travel and my privacy would be jeopardize.. Therefore I will only give you glimpses of the possible future to help you navigate towards the end of this natural reality.....
 Pandora's box 11184183

The beginning to the war begins when the oppression of the government of the USA becomes to extreme against its own citizens...

The first true! 99% of terrorism around the world is cause by government. Terrorism is use as a scare tactic to force you into accepting laws, regulations and restrictions that other wise you will not accept. It is in this essence that the revolution inside USA begins. It stars when government begins causing and hyping terrorism.

First they will said that because of terrorism they most reduce your freedoms in the Internet and they will reduce your freedom of speech by imposing laws that prevent your open communication as you do now...
 Quoting: Pandora's box 12571608 

Second as soon as they begin restricting your freedom of speech in the Internet they will also move to reduce your freedom of speech in general. They will use the excuse of security and safety from extremist, saying that they should not be able to said whatever they wont without repercussions.. The reduction and the restriction of your freedom of speech is in essence what begins the underground movements to civil war...

Your government is fully aware that the economy is about to collapse in a few more years and they are preparing to make war with your, and they will use this short period of time of stability to prepare to make shor, you do not succeed when you revolt against your government. As of matter of fact they joust purchase hundreds of rounds of ammunition as many of you are awear. This is being done because they know what is aproaching. The reminding years of illusory stability will be use to impose more and more restrictions 
and surveillance against you, for they are preparing to destroy you and anybody that opposes the old world order...
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12571608 

Third After they reduce your freedom of speech with impositions they will move to confiscate your weapons. Again they will use again the threat of terrorism and national security. When they finally take the action of confiscating your weapons the war is very close. The moment of true is aproaching. They wont to make short that when you are at the breaking point you have no way to react against the injustices and repressions of the system...

They will use the main stream media CNN, FOX etc, etc to hype a threat that does not exist, so you will bend without resistance, but the true is that this time you as a whole will not take it no more...
 Quoting: Pandora's Box 12571608 

Fourth the police state and the economical collapse....

The beginning of the real pains will begin after Obama gets reelected by defeating Romney. The economy will continue its declining but it will be more visible and serious after the election, for it will be accompanied by serious social unrest and other pains...

In the eyes of the government there will be terrorist in every Conner and under every rock. Constant check points over many streets and highways. Many areas like libraries, schools, malls and other areas will begin having TSA types doing searches on you. Cameras on every Conner and constant harassment by new and more restrictive laws. This will continued for a period of four years after the economy collapse in the year 2016.

The collapse will begin a little after the collapse of the European union many nations will separate from the euro and will return to their own currencies heavy social unrest will fallow.....


The awakening and the beginning of the end...

By this time the year 2016 many knows about the governments around the planet corruption are widely know thanks to the Internet not only the citizens of USA are awake but most people around the world are aware of the web of control...

The old world order is at the brink of collapse but the leaders of the world don't seem to understand... They continued robing their citizens of their hard earn money for more bail outs of companies and banks with carelessness for the well being of its citizens...

The revolution begins not when the citizens of the USA are remove of their rights like the freedom of speech or the right to have arms but in an ironic turn starts when the governments begins confiscating the peoples resources.. It all begins when the government makes illegal for people to own gold and begins taking peoples retirements lands and anything of value from the people with the excuse of taxation's, levies and investement.


The, death and revolution....

In 2016 the economy of USA finally collapses the world is on chaos and the bells of war and destruction begin to sing the songs of death and fury.......

The first movements of civil war begin in the south with the right wingers type, but soon enough it spreads to the west, east, and north....Although it begins with the right wingers soon enough becomes not of right or left, but a concern for all. As the people of all the nation understands that there is no other way for change...

The people of the nation no longer see themselves as left or right black of white but as comrades in a mission of change and hope.....


Darknes, brutality, life, death and failure...

The war is justified by the operation and injustice of government but it leads to a path from where there is no return.....

The civil war last a few months but is devastating to the citizens and to the government equally....The government soon enough brings an end to the war and uprising of its citizens with brute and unconscious care....many get executed without judge, jury or regret this period becomes or exemplifies a butcher..

To answer your question appropriately it was necessary for me to explain the details of why and how.... So who wins or who loses.... Well we can said if you wont to be technical that the government wins the war. But if you wont to be real I can said that nobody won. The economy has collapsed the government no longer exist as once did but exist only as a name. Its citizens have no hope and no respect for what reminds of this shell of a government during this period things appear to be so dark......

But not for long for it is in this darkest period that the beginning of a new idea emerges into being by the force and ideas of the singularity and his brothers....

Words are the path of the beginning and the transformation of what is and will become...

Latest updates.

Pandora's Box
User ID: 1246915
 United States
02/18/2013 05:53 PM

This is the last year in which your lifes will be normal...It is very sad that all the destruction that is about to occur was cause by the unending greed of the corrupt financial system of nations...All the money they had more than one human being could spend in a life time wasn't enough no they wanted more simply for the sake of it...The economical collapse of united States will lead also to the collapse of Europe and other regions of the world..

War, revolutions, social collapse and death will be the tune in which humanity most exist for a time...

Pandora's Box
User ID: 114374
 United States
02/20/2013 08:32 PM
Hallow Greece...

A few days ago I saw in the news about a man in Greece that was trampled over by a group of people trying to get some produce from some farmers that were giving it for free to protest the price...Greece is rapidly falling into the abyss....

I know you want me to said to you to stay and fight...Although this will be the honorable thing to do, it will be not reasonable at this time, there are times to fight and times to lay down and be quiet...I believe this is a time to lay down and be quiet..The entire system of the world is to strong to fight it at this moment...We most wait a little longer..Soon the governments of the world will lose the minds and harts of the people because of the poor choices and corruption they are engaging in...And when they finally loose the fate of the people, at that moment will be the time for revolution, and for fighting this forces of evil, only on those moments will be possible to end their reign...

For now exit Greece and Europe if possible, and keep yourself and your family safe...

Soon we all will help Greece, Europe and the entire world...So the well being of the human race can be assure..

Pandora's Box
User ID: 30801816
02/22/2013 01:17 AM
The revolutions that have take place until now are not the revolutions of the new world...This are revolutions of this current old world order, none of them can truly deliver change..They are as blind and myopic as the current systems of government...Because they are nationalistic revolutions that fallow the same patterns and structures that current governments around the world have....Look for example the revolution in egypt did that revolution really change anything? course not...This are revolutions that can not have true progression because they lack a wide and deep enough ideology to work...

Only when we the illuminated ones finally interfere in world affairs only than, we will be able to achieve a proper world revolution, with new ideas that are powerful enough to alter this world..For a revolution to truly work it can not only have mechanical politics, it most also contain spirituality, philosophy and vision that is far enough to give hope and deep purpose to the masses....

There will be revolutions in Europe but they will look more like social unrest, they will not have enough power to defeat the current European governments....

Thank you for spreading the idea of the one world government. A true illuminated one is the one that belives in the ideas of a unified world through a single vision of true...If you believe in this than you are an illuminated one and you are the path of change!

The beginnings of the programs for space exploration will not commence until the fullness of the one world government is implemented. Most of the meaningful Space exploration by the world will begin in the decades of 2020's and 2030's

We can not begin space exploration in the beginning because during the first stages of the new world there will be to much chaos in the world..The world director efforts during the first years of the new world, will be use in bringing the planet from the brink of destruction, and to stabilize the human society back into civilisation....

The first years of the one world government will be to build a new society and structure of believe. By removing all the ignorance that has been build from millenniums of blind direction, that has brought the world into the opening of the abyss, and that created the old world order that currently is....
A few months ago to be exact in January 1 2013 we receive an unexpected visitor from the farther expansions of the future...He came from December 31 2039, he only remind with us for a few days...He did not got trapped in this time line as we did...He appear to us not in a complete physical appearance as we exist in your reality but as more in the appearance of a spirit or a ghost...He explain to us that because there are several of us trap already in this time line we are sucking all the energy of the ambient to sustain our bodies, this is preventing the illuminated ones from sending more people to this past time line, because there is not enough energy for them to manifest thoughts and consciousness into the illusion of matter to form a body..Also their presence is not stable and so their projection can only be sustain for a few days. Our unexpected visitor remind with us for seven days and in those seven days he disclose many events about the future with very high clarity....After the seven day the visitor could no longer sustain his presence in this realm and his consciousness was send back to the year he came back to his body...

So now my knowledge about the future is on longer bound to the year 2020 but I now know what will happen in the 2020's and 2030's...What will determine if I disclose any information about those decades will depend in how nice you behave in this thread so be nice hmmm.....It will also depend on how I perceive the information some knowledge my be dangerous for you to have at this moment and some information most be keep top secret because it can give glimpses of knowledge and information to the forces that are trying to stop the new world....

You don't realize that one day this thread is going to be read by millions of people so whatever you said here might have positive and negative repercussions....Some of you will become very famous indeed so be cool...
In your world today people are stimulated by scarcity and lack of resources, this type a system can only create structures of primitive mechanics in the social order....A true develop economy and society can not be motivated by hunger and scarcity....But by the forces of creativity, imagination and hope for the future...A real source of wealth does not laid in people having jobs but in people having enough time to think...thinking allows the motion of creativity and imagination which in true is the base of real wealth for it gives birth to new ideas, since and technology...But it also allows the development of the inner self which brings attitudes of morality....

A moral society is a powerful society because under a moral society no one is chain to exploitation actions or to uneven conditions which manifest extremes of poverty for the many, and extremes of wealth for a few....A moral universal society would no longer necessitate hunger or scarcity as motivation for creativity but instead they will work and create for the sake of reaching higher ideals and potentials for the improvement of the world...

In the new world no one will lack food anywhere in the planet no one will lack a place to live...All will have access to education and equal development....To vanquish poverty and inequalities one most vanquish ignorance for this is the base of poverty, injustice and exploitation....Knowledge of the true repercussions of good and evil, knowledge of the true nature of humanity in this earth and universe and more, should be the liberation of the many and it will achieve, what no nation or system has done before...

To liberate the world one most liberate their minds, for it is their minds where the world truly exist and realises into existence....


In the future once the new world becomes reality there will be no nations, not will there be borders or containment's of any kind, you will be free to roam the earth as you like...True freedom will exist for the entire human race for the first time in history...For a world without borders to work there most be a single economy that is good for everyone....Therefore under the one world goverment there will be no third world nations...The entire planet will be transform into a condition superior in its nature, to any so call first world nation that currently is...In the new world there will be a single world currency for everyone, there will be a single world constitution and universal laws that will protect every single human being in the planet equally...With universal laws the corporations will not be able to exploit people for they will have to pay the same it does not matter where they go to do their manufacturing..The worse think that can happen to the conglomerates is a world government and a world currency for it will destroy their systems exploitation....

Is better that you remind outside the large cities as the systems of the world begin to collapse...Philippines economy at this moment is good and will continue improving for a little more time, until the collapse of Europe and united state. After that your economy will begin to shrink but your system is more stable than the Europeans systems therefore your situations is not as bad despise your countries being a third world nation...The irony is that third world nations are in a better situation than first world nations at the moment...
I give this answer earlier, Barack Obama will be reelected in 2012. In regards to Britain I will not give you the name of your next prime minister for reasons which I will not disclose. But I will give you something more interesting. No royal families from any country whether is Britain, Spain, Arabia etc, etc, will survive the end of this decade, in fact 100% of this families will be remove and executed at the hands of its own subjects. Never again royalties will be tolerated in the world after the new order of things is establish......

Nothing will be holy, nothing will be unremovable, the hand o chaos will have no compassion not even with the so call untouchables....
There will be no third world war in fact no nuclear weapons are use during the periods towards the year 2020. The wars and chaos that the world will experience will be different from anything humanity has experience. Most wars are wars between nations and its own citizens. An example will be the USA which will not be destroy by a foreign nation but by hands of its own citizens that will become exhausted of the government corruption and oppression towards its own citizens.....

Is the economical collapse pre planned by a sinister group of people wanting to bring a NWO?

The answer is no! but that is what the rulers of this world want you to think, so they can prevent the awaking....The economical collapse is not something preplanned to the contrary the old world order has transfer billions upon billions of dollars around the world to prevent this collapse of the economical system of the world. They have transfer and robe immense amounts of wealth of the working people and their nations to feed a small group of corrupt bankers and conglomerates..This bankers are the true rulers of this nations and they do not care about you or what they destroy, in order to keep their luxurious lives and privilege intact...They live in a world without borders and contaminants they are truly free...And they don't want you to have this freedom they want to contain you in ignorance and in imaginary lines call borders...Joust like a dog that is train not to go beyond a line, they have train you with the force of tribalism and nationalism....

After the economy collapse this cabal of malevolent Archons will accuse the aspiring one world government and will claim that is the people that want the new world the ones that cause this...They will try to turn the people of the world this way to prevent the one world government from emerging. Because they know that a world of oneness can not be exploited with such ease and malevolence...

This trick is not going to work, for we will tell the world the true and the true will set them free.....

The economy will collapse because the leaders of the old world have acted in complete corruption and malevolence, looking only for their self benefit and not the benefit of the human family...

The old world order through their evil have brought their own destruction, soon they will be the past and never again they will become...

The true will liberate you from the chains created by illusions of minds of meagerness and darkness..The one world government will succeed..And when we succeed we will live in a world without nations and divisions...In a world where every human being is protected and achieves its full potential... The new world represents a world without limits and impossibles it represents this, because it acts and becomes according to the true nature of reality....
Humanity was created to be of eternal nature, and its purpose is to give meaning to this magnificent universe by learning from it. It took millions of years to created it, and untold amounts of discernment to manifest all, in the order necessary to form physical life.....

When the one world government takes over and all national sovereignties are no more..We would destroy all nuclear weapons and all war, all over the globe will be end it...It is inconceivable to me that governments that supposedly have the best interest of the people they govern would build such malevolent weapons that can destroy this beautiful planet....Do you really think that a government or governments that build this type of powerful systems of destruction such as a thermonuclear weapon truly love you or care for you hmm???

The golden age has been possible from the very beginning of human creation and inception in this world...The problem is that the will of the world in all is essence and will has not being there to achieve it, because in the eyes of the world it seems imposible, and so because of this indeed it becomes imposible....

Now why would anyone want to commit suicide? You live in a universe and a planet that is the purest expression of a miracle...Most of you don't see it because you live your life's without observing the creation of everything that surrounds you...When in doubt look at a flower and observe the magnificence of god perfection, when in doubt look at the skies in a dark night and observe the powerful achievement of gods hand work...A sky fill with stars, an expansion of infinite possibilities and beauty, fill with secrets hidden since the foundation of creation awaiting for mankind to discover them, when the journey and adventure of humanity in space begins..

Death is the end of hope, but as long as there is life there is hope...wherever your situation wherever your suffering I can said with true that nothing is forever, and things for the most part change for the better...Live your life's without doubt and to the fullest, and don't stumble even in the darkest moments of it...

Do right, live in true, be honest and love and seek the well being of all..If you do this things you will find the true meaning of life, which for the most part is hidden for the many in the journey of life.....

In your world today people are stimulated by scarcity and lack of resources, this type a system can only create structures of primitive mechanics in the social order....A true develop economy and society can not be motivated by hunger and scarcity....But by the forces of creativity, imagination and hope for the future...A real source of wealth does not laid in people having jobs but in people having enough time to think...thinking allows the motion of creativity and imagination which in true is the base of real wealth for it gives birth to new ideas, since and technology...But it also allows the development of the inner self which brings attitudes of morality....

A moral society is a powerful society because under a moral society no one is chain to exploitation actions or to uneven conditions which manifest extremes of poverty for the many, and extremes of wealth for a few....A moral universal society would no longer necessitate hunger or scarcity as motivation for creativity but instead they will work and create for the sake of reaching higher ideals and potentials for the improvement of the world...

In the new world no one will lack food anywhere in the planet no one will lack a place to live...All will have access to education and equal development....To vanquish poverty and inequalities one most vanquish ignorance for this is the base of poverty, injustice and exploitation....Knowledge of the true repercussions of good and evil, knowledge of the true nature of humanity in this earth and universe and more, should be the liberation of the many and it will achieve, what no nation or system has done before...

To liberate the world one most liberate their minds, for it is their minds where the world truly exist and realises into existence....
Slavers and slaves can only exist as long as both the slaver and the slave are in ignorance and blindness...The one world government will be manage not by your current undeveloped world leaders, but by people that have pass through trial, and temptation....Especially the world leader he is preparing himself so temptation and darkness does not overtake him, once he becomes what he is going to become...Your leaders of nations never develop their inner selves first, not do they understand true comprension...this is why they are easily subjected to temptation and corruption...

To properly govern a nation or a world you most first learn to govern your own body and mind...Only when you become a master of your inner self, and the force of your nature does not overtake you, only than you can become a servant to mankind. Only than the tower you build to change reality itself will not collapse! And your action will have almost divine power and inspiration...
You know is strange that a lot of events that are happening now did not happen in my time line....I have never tell you this until now of course...And also events that happen in my time line did not happen the last two years we have begin noticing a small, almost insignificant difference between the two time lines...I wondering if the act of me, of give you information of the future has indeed have some influence in reality....Maybe we were wrong and indeed we can influence your current reality somehow...I am not short of this completely, but if certain events do not happen the way I said they will happen, it means that somehow we manage to alter this time line somehow...And the consequences could be that, I will not know with precision the future as I once did....

It could also mean that I am not in my true time line but a probable reality.....As time passes I am beginning to get more confuse about all this, and I am starting to wonder, wanderings of what is truly going on. Don't ask me what are this wanderings about, because of course I will not tell you...
Neither Russia, China, or USA truly pose a threat to the new world order...The power of this three nations combined is no greater to us than a flea...When the time arrives the flea which represents all the nations of the planet will be squash with one finger...Russia will be dissolve and its leaders trial if they done wrong, the people of Russian will be unified with the rest of the planet...So they may live in peace whit the rest of humanity....

The survival of Christianity will depend on how they behave in the transition...Most of Christianity will be destroy, only the Christianity that reminds neutral in regards to the new world will be spare and allow to continue...A true Christian will never oppose the unification of the planet...Only the fake Christians will cause problems...

Lets think about this How would the true Christ really be in our time if he existed?

Would he be a nationalist that hates anybody that is not from his country, flag and race??

Or would he be a universal teacher fill with love and compassion for all humanity...A man of no nation a man seeking the well being of the planet?

Do you really think he will advocate nationalism which divides humanity and causes wars, and the incapacity of mankind to work together for a single goal of improving this world?

Or would he be universal not recognizing borders or nations, but universal love and the unity of all that is?

A true Christian will never fight the true...And I know there are true Christians in the world and we will not touch a hair of their heads... But 99% of religions do not represent the true this is why they will fight us together with their nationalistic governments to the end...And I can assure you they will not succeed in their endeavours...
1) There will be no contact with other beings from other planets from now to the year 2020...

2) There is no such thing as planet X or Nibiru this are projections of the imagination, to misguide in a laverint of ignorance and irrelevance....There will be no close contact with another planetary system from now to 2020...

3) The signs would be that your economy will give the appearance of improving, but the true is that this is only an illusion that will soon break...

4) The sun is becoming increasingly stronger over its energy release upon the earth...This increment of energy is causing a warming effect in your planet..This warming is affecting the interiors of your earth causing it to get hotted and therefore creating more activity and movement that sometimes manifest as earth quakes...The sun can affect the climate too, and as the earth warms it causes negative changes, this changes can manifest as greater possibilities of hurricanes, tsunamis, violent storms and a greater increment of extremes seasons of cold and heat....The sun alone is not causing all the problems, human activity and the contaminants that they are realising, are also contributing to destabilise the whether..

4)The next pope will have more of the characteristics of John Paul the second....

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