Friday, 16 November 2012

Correct prophecy of a time traveller

Look at the date of this blog

it's 2005.
This is an accurate prophecy!
It says "the president u elect 2009 is not from America." - Barack Obama
gulf of mexico is spot on too~!

2012 we will find some answers. Doesn't say much but we shall see.
2015 is the year of chaos. There is civil war and US got attacked. Possibly Nuked.

Please wake up Americans. Stop your government.


EPTEMBER 21, 2005

The Last Post

As you know we leave 9-22-2005, and that means this will be my last post.Over the last couple of weeks I have tried to give you all info that will help you to overcome or stop the NWO.As I have stated before some are fighting now.It is because of their fight things are not as bad as they could be.In my world of 2063 they loose.If the word gets out and more of you join the fight to overcome the New World Order when I return tomorrow you should won the fight and things should be a tad different.I am hoping for this to happen.You MUST pass the word about what I have told you.Or research the Bush administration and you will find what I have said to be true.Or you can sit back and do nothing and loose the USA and then wish you would have taken action against this bad element.

Now I leave you with this info.

The United States will have a major stock market crash soon.

This will come from a volley of natural disasters that will tear the soul out of the nation.Telling you this will not cause the universe to be destroyed because there's nothing you can do about it.I told you this is GOD trying to get your attention.For every action there is an reaction.

I have told you what to do to prepare yourself for the coming events in this blog.

I have also told you some good things that will happen.You can stop the NWO.

You can't stop the events with the earth.One thing that will help is this.Turn to GOD.

There will be a civil war or unrest in the USA.Starting with the immigration problems.

You will have even more foreign troops on USA soil.

You will loose more of your rights if you do not stop this.

The sun will burn the earth, and this will start massive earthquakes, to what level I can't say.But will be far worse then before!

You can survive if you move to the areas I have mentioned in this blog.

Christians stay strong and do not loose your faith, as you will be tested.Many of you will be put in jail and worse.

Get your world news on your own.Do not get it from any source like CNN,FOX,MSNBC,CBS,ABC,NBC.Get it on your own!!!!

Do not drink the water out of the faucet at all, learn how to filter water on your own.Learn how to grow food on your own.

If you own a gun, NEVER GIVE IT UP!

If you do not own a gun, get one and learn how to use it.

Teach your kids how to survive at all costs.

Learn how to live off of the land.

DO not let your kids get Flu shots.Trust me on this!

In fact if I where you I would not let them get any of those shots the school system tell they need.Trust me!!

Research these things yourself and you will see I am right.

2006 A big one. Iran will be the new problem

Mangosteen will be revealed to be the most effective natural supplement with Xanthones that can even stop cancer.
Bell will make a mistake, and get caught in a big disaster.
Data storage will go off the charts starting in 2006.

2007= Bad

2008 things will really start to get bad with the civil unrest at the border. She will not save you she will not be able to.

2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA.

2010 will be a year to remember as part of the gulf of mexico will die from oil.

In 2012 you will find some answers.

In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start.

2032 The ocean will boil with the rock.

2034 Is the year that dreams will come true.

2036 The first one will come here.

2041 We will find old things.

2045 we will see beyond this Universe

And I had better stop.

I hope you all take what I have said seriously, I know it's hard to believe I'm a man from 2063.You will soon see I'm not a freak or a liar.

I am the one who tried to warn you all, I am the one who tried to stop it.I hope when I go home the past will be a new one.

Goodbye and good luck to you all.
The Woe's Of The United States

What will happen?

I can not go into complete detail about what will happen to the USA.I can tell you something's, and something's I can not.So I will talk in code so to speak.

Rita oh Rita what will she do? I have said that Katrina was the first in a series of "woes" to hit this nation.For every action there is a reaction.Reaction from who? Lets just say you will know for sure by 2012, 2015,2032.You should know now, but you people are to busy drinking having sex and trying to screw each other out of money to notice anything.I could tell you who will be in the Super Bowl and also tell you who will win and you just might notice that only because there would be money involved.Anyway this nation's economy will be taken out by the woe's that are heading towards her now.A study of this periods solar activity showed us that the new supper hurricanes that you are seeing now are a direct impact of the activity from the sun, and global warming.Also earthquake activity will be caused by the high solar activity you are seeing now.You may say that you have had high solar activity before, well not like you have seen, and will see.

Rita will do what she is meant to do,take out more of the heart of the USA.The power of this storm is stronger right now then they even know.But will not be a Katrina.Bush is what I would say or what we call in our time a crazed loon.He is the one who has caused GODS wraith.

Once the storm season is over you will have other woes, your winter will be bad and earthquakes will shake the earth more then ever.I have told you that Katrina was just the start of this all.Tornados in 2006 will kill so many people.Your rights and free speech will be taken from you staring this year, as I type this they are being taken away.Christians will be put in jail for what they believe and say.More foreign troops will walk the land as the USA will be unable to cover what is going on within the country.I know GOD is real and you will know also.After it's all said and done he will get your attention.How do you think he is trying to get it now?

The New World Order is a real thing you all will have to deal with, but you can still stop what is going on.You still have some time left to overturn it.I have told you some of the key people in the NWO.I have even told you when it started.I have given you some names of the pawns of the NWO.Yes it is real, very real.

If you have not listened to anything I have told you please listen to this! WATCH WHAT THE BUSH ADMENASTRATION IS DOING!!! WATCH WATCH WATCH!!!!!!!
Things are going to get pretty bad with the weather, even worse then now.The earth is having birth pains so to speak.Volcanos, earthquakes,Tornados in places you would never think you would see one in.Tennessee, Arkansas,Kansas inthose places Tornados will be worse then they have ever been.Not even being able to tell if it's winter or summer.Woe #2 is about to hit you all.Woe #3 will be even worse.Something does happen in 2012 that I can not even speak of.I have done my best to tell you what is coming without telling you too much.You can think i am a freak or you can think i am the real deal,that's up to you. My words will stay here on this site as a beacon for you, a beacon of hope.I hope you all wake up, I hope you see what is going on before it is to late.I hope when I go back to 2063 I will read how you all fought the good fight and beat this bad element of government I told you about.

If you do beat them then you can fight as one nation under GOD to beat the invasion of the ones who hate you now, the ones who love what is going on so they can come in and take what is yours.The ones that will kill over 100 million of you before you stop them.Yes you will stop them, but at a great cost.If you fight as one nation under GOD, the number I just told you about will not come to pass.Stop the NWO all together and the invasion will not happen I hope.Because then you will be stronger if you beat the NWO soon.

Pass the word on to others of what I have told you.Pass it on.
More later today.


  1. I like this time traveler. He is very accurate so far. There doesn't seem to be alot of information on the internet about him though. Do you know of any places to find out more about this guy? Also, if you get a chance check out this man named Sean Day claiming to be a US navy seal CIA time traveler, working from his quantum computer.

    1. This person was debunked. They checked the blog and the last update was 2012. I do not know if it was there b4 2012. If it was "updated" on 2012, then all these predictions would not be predictions. We did not know more on 2012. We shall see if the rest of his future predictions are correct.

    2. It was not debunked! Many other websites from 2005 to 2007 was talking about qronos1

    3. ya. but if u check the source for that page. you would see that it is updated on 2012. and we did not find any answers on 2012.
