Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Chinese Prophecies of Jesus

The Chinese Prophecies of Jesus

Tui bei tu a book written in 7th-century Tang dynasty by Li Chun-feng (李淳風) and Yuan Tian-gang (袁天罡). It was banned by the People's Republic of China for superstition. It is written in verses with a picture with symbolism or riddles. It has been compared to the works of Nostradamus. There are at least 6 version of this book.
There are 60 drawings, each depicting major events going to happen in China. It is accurate since the beginning and it is said to have reached the 40th or 41st or 42ndpicture, depending on the version of it. It is also said the book was changed so that the people would not know the “Heavenly secrets” , meaning the future is not supposed to be known to the public.
The current picture and verse

第四四象 丁未 坎下離上未濟
   日月麗天 群陰懾服
   百靈來朝 雙羽四足
   而今中國有聖人 雖非豪傑也周成
   四夷重譯稱天子 否極泰來九國春
would translate into
No. 44 The Fire and Water is not in balance
Sun, Moon shine up in the sky,
Many Yin (Bad things or people) are scared and surrender
Many Spirits coming to Chao (China)
Two wings Four legs
And Now China has a sage
Although not a charismatic powerful leader but will solve many problems
People from different parts of the world would re-translate and call him the Son of Heavens
The worst part gone and the best part is coming
金聖嘆(A person):「This is saying a sage is coming back to life and people from around the world will come and see him. He will rule the nations well
If you ask me, I would say this sounds like Jesus. But will Jesus be reborn in China? Likely. Edgar Cayce once said that China would be cradle for New Christianity. Buddha said the future Buddha would come from China. Given a choice, Jesus would not want to be born in Middle East for he would be of grave danger.
While there are many other interpretations, none would suffice the saying “ a sage is coming back to life” and “re-translate”, meaning he would be writing books that had been translated before! It would be of great importance that people all around the world would come and want to re-translate it. Who else then Jesus interpreting the Bible?
The part where China was mention was baffling too, for it was the exact name of China now, which they did not know on the 7th century. This is a huge statement to say about the accuracy in this prophecy.
There are at least 4 more Chinese prophecies saying a great sage would be born in China, each adding a bit more to the mystery of why, who, when to this great sage, whether he is or not the Jesus.
There is another possibility, which is that he is not Jesus but the genius before him. Edgar Cayce said there will be a great genius who will connect science and physics and faith. This person is also predicted in Quran, Imaam Mahdi. The same person is said to be mentioned by many other prophecies including Nostradamus.
This person will rule many nations for at least 6 years, before the false prophet take over and kill him. It is said in the Bible, the false prophet will be believed by the Pope then. This lead me to think that the only scenario is, the Genius is not Caucasian, which will hurt the ego of the Caucasians. Then comes along a Caucasian who says he is the Jesus they are looking for. They would be so glad that their ego issue can now be fixed that they would be unable to tell right from wrong, thus believing in a false Caucasian prophet, even though he is brutal and heartless.
I know many people would say what does this got to do with race? It got everything to do with race. The elitist always make people believe that the Caucasian is the best. You see it in Hollywood movie ALL the time. The hero who is killing all the bad guys is a Caucasian. Sometimes Jesus is even depicted in blonde hair! He is a Jew, he has black hair and black eyes.This is propaganda.
The reason why people would NOT support a Genius, who can write important books and solve major conflicts, is basically because of bias. Either it is race bias or gender bias, so it seemed obvious that it would be race bias, because the prophecy emphasize more on different countries. 
It is bias to think that a Chinese cannot be the new Messiah, a Chinese cannot be the Genius, likewise for the current “China should never be the New Superpower”.

Update:  It had been a while and my thoughts about this thing had not changed. I would like to add something else which is the religion bias and gender bias.
Because the Quran had already predicted Mahdi as the Great Genius. It would be normal that Muslims would believe Mahdi quickly. And if he were to try unify all religions, he would probably declare that there will be only one religion, that there not One True God instead it should be translated as God is ONENESS. He will probably clarify so many misunderstandings that Christians would think it is blasphemy.

And he would say he is not Jesus. So the Evil ANTICHRIST would claim the GENIUS as the antichrist and eventually kill this GENIUS and declare himself as the CHRIST!

This is probably how it would unfold. That so many ppl would still be deceived by the ANTICHRIST. Even if it is written in the Bible.
And i am afraid that the Bible had written but someone had changed this prophecy. The First Beast should be the Genius.
The second beast is the antichrist.
Towards the later part, why is the second beast is not in hell with the antichrist? 
It is probably reconstrued to deceived the gullible.

Regarding the gender bias, yes the Genius could be Female. As the chinese prophecy did imply he/she might not be a guy.


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