Monday 28 October 2013

Elisa Lam repost

What are your thoughts?

Hope Justice Be Done!
When Ms. Lam initially enters the elevator she is not in fear. Her wide arm swing (left) and relaxed and fluid gate (her walk, see video) indicate she is relaxed and thus not feeling urgency红色的是对应故事)故事里,她离开了14层那个男人的房间。她忘记拿走眼镜!因为看不清楚,只记得4楼是中间那排,所以中间那排全部都按了。
After pushing multiple buttons (which she performs in two sessions), Elisa Lam moves to the back left corner of the elevator.Her arms (at her sides) and feet positions are neutral, relaxed and does not indicate no fear
She then retreats to the left wall of the elevator and then moves to the left front corner. Her her hands adopt the "Fig Leaf" configuration and her feet are close together. This is consistent with anxiety, a lower confidence, beta emotional toneThis body language does not, by itself, indicate fear.这个FIGLEAF不代表恐惧。 她发现门没有关!觉得那个男的在作弄她,就躲去一边。
Here Ms. Lam jumps out of the elevator. It is quick two-step maneuver and has a playful quality to it. 她很顽皮的跳了一下。
For a second or two, Ms. Lams feet splay wide. While her hands are still in the fig leaf nonverbal (or close to it),this wide stance signifies greater confidence and is not consistent with fear. Thus the simultaneity of these two nonverbals signasl some level of emotional dissonance.  张开双腿是想壮胆。
This is the most important image of the series. For about 16 seconds Ms. Lam displays a "Elbows Out Laterally with Armpit Exposed & Behind the Head Hair Preening Display". This was, at least for some time, performed bilaterally (see below). The movement, as she reaches up to begin this extended preen - was fluid, slow and deliberate - which is very important. This display cluster context is a strong and highly reliable indicator of sexual interest. The person of her interest is either present outside the elevator - or she is actively thinking about this person.这个动作有性暗示。
Her we can see both hands & Arms retracting from herextended preening-sexual display as Ms. Lam turns to go back into the elevator.仍然有性暗示。
This elbow forward, bilateral Hair Adjust Behind the Ears, is a nonverbal sign of Ms. Lam "dialing up her alpha". This MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) indicates she is trying to be more assertive or courageous. This is in distinction to the sexual display noted above. Notice her elbows are not pointed out laterally but held closer to her body. 她在壮胆。
Although the resolution is low, we can see that Ms. Lam is "smiling". Although it may not be a true, sincere smile - it is at least a fair social smile. 她在笑。

Her right hand gestures in an illustrator with a finger tip only touching of her right chest. This hand illustrator suggests a lower sincerity and or a higher level of anxiety in this moment.手指动胸,代表诚意减退,更加兴奋
Although our view and resolution is limited this does not have the nonverbal signature of fear. 如果故事没有错,应该是在跟那个男的说自己没有眼镜什么都看不到。动作的意思是自己什么都看不见,身体倾斜,手乱乱摸。
In this image, Ms. Lam's right foot goes up on her toes. She does this several times. This body language pattern indicates a significant level of excitement and optimism. It is also common with joy. 脚尖点地的动作代表,兴奋。

Ms. Elisa Lam is playing a game of hide and seek (or something similar) in this video. And although at times she displays some anxiety, there is no indication of fear. There is definitely an element of play present here. It is of course also possible that narcotics are influencing her behavior. Of particular importance is she is putting herself on sexual display. While what is seen here may have no connection with her demise - if the events in this video occurred just before her disappearance, it strongly suggests that the person to whom she is attracted may have knowledge of, contributed to, or be responsible for her death. 网站的总结是,不排除有药物影响或者酒精影响,她对某人展示了性暗示,代表这个男的跟她很亲密,对整个案件很重要。

A very weird story, either written by a genius or the murderer himself
This story somehow feels like it fits to the above suspects.

Elisa Lam - My Oriental Queen - Final discussion

She met this man waiting for the elevator shortly after her arrival. He noticed her right off the bat. He watches the tourists come and go. The tourists stay on the first four floors. He loved the fact she was alone, plus she was different. He broke the ice by asking her why she's alone in such a questionable area of LA. She explained how she found the place on the internet and liked the history. She's not new to staying at hostels. He was glad only one elevator was working that week.

The man has charm and is funny, although he is older she likes him and his personality. He is a man of the streets. He reveals during this first encounter that he lives on the top floor of the motel and is adept at its history. She enjoys this. They part ways and he takes note of the fact she is interested in art and history.

The second morning of her stay she is in the motel lobby about to leave to pursue her itinerary of places she wants to see in LA. He had to hang around outside of the hotel before she came down but his judgement was correct, he thought he had missed her. She exits the motel and there he is with a warm, trusting smile. He is excited she smiles back at him. He told her that he gets up early to grab the paper. He shows her the art section and some interesting studios and historic places nearby that she might want to see. He lets her go although he would like to talk more. He is smart and has been in this situation before. He previously unnerved a young lady years ago that he was watching by being overly friendly. Take it slow he tells himself.

He decides not to follow her that day, it doesn't matter to him, he knows she will be back. He quickly goes back to his room on the 14th floor and opens the blinds to the LA streets down below. It's a perfect view. Years ago he purchased a decent spotting scope with a tripod at a sporting goods store. He puts his eye to the view finder and quickly scans the sidewalk in the direction she left for. He spots her at a bus stop. He watches her, he is getting aroused. He spends the rest of the day, like he usually does, masturbating furiously while watching young women through his scope.

It's going to be getting dark soon as he scans the street below looking for the oriental queen. There she is, he adjusts his scope and tracks her movements. He quickly scrambles his clothes on and heads out the door. He runs down the stairs to the lobby. He quit using the elevators unless he has to because of those pesky surveillance cameras. He timed it perfectly, she is not there yet. He strikes up a conversation with the hotel clerk to look preoccupied when she enters. Out of the corner of his eye the oriental queen enters and heads for the elevators. He turns his head as she passes and says "well, how'd it go today?". She smiles and says "great" and thanks him for telling her about a particular landmark she really enjoyed.

They walk together towards the elevator and he explains about a cool little art cafe that is a local hangout nearby and invites her to lunch the next day. She hesitates but he has learned to use that trusting smile. He has practiced this smile so much. She accepts! He is so pleased. The elevator doors opens and she enters but he does not. He tells her he has to go visit his mom in a nursing home and she likes that. He knows to never be seen together on those elevator cams. He holds the elevator button down while he explains to her that the cafe doesn't open until 2pm and he'll meet her outside the motel at about 1:30. She feels good, excited, she longs for friends, especially a cool guy from LA. He brandishes that trusting smile one more time while the elevator doors close.

She thinks about him that night laying in bed. He is handsome. She has explored her sexuality in the past but recently her body has been extremely desperate for that touch. He also thinks about her, but the thoughts are dark. He is a dark man inside. He dreams of screams. She dreams of a beautiful lake, crystal clear waters.

He noticed she put extra effort into how she looked that day when they met outside the hotel. His conversation was perfect during the date. He practiced everything he would say. He made her laugh hysterically while they were eating that she almost choked. She really likes him and is already thinking how her parents would react. So soon, she thought, a boyfriend? No, just a one time thing. She wouldn't tell anyone. No tumblr updates, no blog posts, nothing. This has to be a secret. She still cant believe that she invited him up to her room as they were walking back to the hotel. He convinces her to use the stairs to go up to her room because he doesn't trust the elevators. She slides her key into her room door lock, it makes an ominous noise, he smiles and jokes about ghosts on the 4th floor. They enter and immediately begin to make out. They are locked together as one when they fall on the bed. She can hardly believe that he is inside her. He is powerful, she compares her long time ex-boyfriend to him. They go on a sexual quest for hours, she has never felt this way before. His thrusts are deep and hard. They managed to break the sink while trying out different positions and cause a leak, they laugh about this. They are laying in bed exhausted when he invites her up to his room to check out his art collection. She agrees. He gives her his room number and tells her to meet him up there.

It's dark out now. She looks at her watch, almost 11. She almost doesn't go but her body is still tingling. She wants to explore him. She gets in the elevator and presses number 14. His room is down the hall, she finds it and knocks. The door opens and she melts at that smile. He pours a glass of Hausgemacht for her. She has never drank the green liquid before. It's the real deal. They talk and drink and he shows her some art pieces but unfortunately she found them disturbing. She is taken aback by his choice in art and studies the room. She doesn't like it. He jokes and says let me see your glasses you must not be seeing right this art is great. She giggles and gives them to him. An uneasy feeling sweeps through her. He notices this and goes to the kitchen area of his tiny residence and picks up the phone. "Why don't you come up boss" he says and hangs the phone up. She wants to leave now.

He tries to convince her to stay but she is already out of the door walking to the elevators. She is still friendly to him as he calls out to her from his doorway. She presses the elevator button. My glasses! Damn, maybe I shouldn't leave she thinks, I am overreacting. The elevator opens, she can't see the buttons and the green liquid is settling in now. She presses the middle row of buttons, she remembers the 4th floor is in the middle. She doesn't know that she hits the door open button. It's an older Otis elevator. When the door open button is pressed it will stay open until the door close or the call button is activated. Is he following me? She decides to use friendship as a defense and stomps out in a child like manner, almost flirtatious. No one is there. She hears a metal door close somewhere in the stairwell next to the elevator. She needs her glasses. She exits and stands next to the call button. No one is coming, she enters the elevator again and presses any buttons that she can feel. Nothing. She stands outside again when she notices his figure down the hall. She tells him that she can't see, pleads with him. He says nothing. Behind her the stairwell door opens. The Boss. He has a weapon.
They are aware of the camera in the elevator.The boss tells her to step towards him. She obeys.
He is pure evil, he smiles as he presses the elevator button. The door closes.

He never looks his boss in the eyes. It’s the only thing in this city, in this world that frightens him besides his father, but he’s been gone for almost fifteen years. He is happy he found the oriental queen for his boss. He is happy to please him.

She can’t believe it. Her heart sinks below the horizon. She sees the flick of the chrome blur, “Move” he says. She does scream for a brief second before the armed man cups her mouth and 
presses the pistol into her spine. His hand smells raw, it reminds her of her childhood when her father would obsessively scrub his hands in the restaurant after butchering a quarter beef. He hasn’t worked in his restaurant kitchen for years. Her false lover quickly scurries ahead back to the room with them close behind.

The bedroom is covered in clear visqueen; he switched to the clear plastic because the 
black kind would make the room sweat if hung to long. There is a heavy wooden chair placed in the middle. This chair is outfitted with arm and leg straps. Her face is flushed and her heart is screaming. She fights them as they remove her clothes. She wishes she never bit her nails so much. They both struggle to place her in the chair. She tries to bite the boss. He laughs about this. The false lover secures a beginners ball gag around her head while his boss quickly undresses.

He was always fascinated about the scars on his boss’s body. 
The scars covered every square inch, but they formed a perfect line where his shirt collar and sleeves end. He was a man in the sense of a physical presence. He wants to touch his boss’s body. He has fantasized about sweeping his hand across the hard bubbled tissue. The false lover collects his oriental queen’s clothes while the boss retrieves his work kit which he stores there. She is struggling hard now in the chair. He looks at his boss who is standing behind the queen careful not to look at his face; he knows the eyes won’t be there. There would be only a void where the eyes should be. It’s time for him to leave now.

He closes the door to the bedroom and gets a plastic grocery sack for her clothes. Something falls out of her black shorts, it is a coin.
 A large silver coin with what seems to be another copper coin in the middle. It is engraved with her initials. This saddens him for some reason. He realizes it is a lucky coin. He hears the noises of an insane language through the bedroom wall. The boss has started. He puts the coin in his pocket and stuffs the grocery sack in his large hoodie pocket. He is not allowed to come back until the next night after sunset. He leaves the motel and enters the underworld of LA.

It’s dark again. He unlocks the door to the apartment. The familiar smell hits him right away. The smell is similar to when his grandmother would take him to church as a child on Christmas Eve and the priest would walk around the pews swinging some sort of device that would emit smoke. He hates that thought. He thinks about his oriental queen in his bedroom. He is excited to go in there and investigate her, 
but he knows the amount of work that’s involved. That can wait for now. He is hungry, ravenous; he microwaves a frozen meal and sits in silence.

He finally goes to the bedroom door and grabs the handle, it is warm. The door creaks open and he enters the moist atmosphere. He has to be naked when he cleans up the room. He is glad he did such a good job 
covering the entire room with visqueen; it is completely covered in his queen’s blood. She is slumped in the chair. She is now a husk entirely drained of life. He doesn’t know how his boss does it. The boss never cuts his prey to extract what he needs. He is not permitted to know any details about the source of this volcanic blood eruption. The blood is not his reason but only a result.

She is beautiful to him, a royal ghost. He begins 
removing the plastic from the ceiling first. He has a system now to remove the barrier that is very efficient. The only thing that remains when he is finished is the queen sitting at her throne and a square of plastic beneath her.

His boss's voice echoes in his brain "He who feeds on Her will live because of Me". He knows what he will do next.

From what I have gathered around the net.

First, this cannot be a suicide case. Because if she managed to reach the roof, she might as well jump off the building. Why drown herself?
Second, it can never be accident. Normal people don't go to roof top and try to get anywhere near the water tank.

So, I guess 90% this is a homicide.

First, there is a ladder up the roof which is really near the water tank top. This ladder is straight. If like the story says, the victim was drained of blood, the body would be light. But, carrying it up the straight ladder is not easy. I think there is really two person involved in this case.

Second, the reason why the dogs couldn't find her in the first place is because her blood was drained. And this is also the reason why the people in the hotel did not discover anything wrong with the water. A decaying corpse has a very bad smell and doesn't take a dog to find.

Third, if she is drained, the body mass would be small. I dunno how big is the opening on the water tank but the Taiwanese show 关键时刻 says it is very small opening. So the only way is it could be done is as the above story suggests. ( It is sickening to even think of this!)
Please check the person who wrote the story at GLP. The reason I took time to type in English, is for authorities to see this.

May justice be done. For she seems like a really good being and a fellow Chinese.


March 6 2013 update.

To put it in place.
1. We know Alvin Taylor lives on 10th storey. And he has a adopted son, Aiden.
2. The story says the guy who had sex with Lam was living on the 14th
3. The story says he called Boss to *come up*.
4. The story says the guy had sex with Lam on her room on the 4th, says they break the sink and caused a leak. 
5. The person living on the 3rd floor,when asked by actual police, says the night before, there was a huge thud on the 4th.
6. The story says Lam was drained of blood, making it easy to dispose.
7. The water is sweet and dark, probably because the murderer put some chemicals to avoid being tracked by the police dogs. Maybe Coffee?  or the murderer is satanic and did some ritual.
8. Since there is no blood, the body would not smell as bad, so the people didn't notice much difference in the water.
9. The body would be lighter and easier to carry to the water tanks.
10. The story said the boss never cut his prey... so there is no obvious cuts on the body, making it difficult for the police to tell if it was suicide.
11. The drained body probably will absorb the water in the tank. Probably making it difficult for the police to tell the actual date of death. 
12. The most likely place is on 14th since it was after the elevator thing, and it's near the roof, further from other places,  and story says the guy on the 14th heard the Boss saying insane language (probably a satanist) on the other room. So it should be a room or storage room beside his room! (updated March 7 2013)
13. 10 and 11 will make it difficult for the police to understand how she died. Furthermore, 5, which is the loud thud, the police probably think the first scene would be on the 4th! No wonder the police is getting nowhere. So much for CSI and LAPD, I think they need Detective Conan! 

 I highlighted everything important. The clear visqueen mentioned in the story was through much contemplation. He says the black plastic would sweat!! OMG that's really carefully thought over. And there is plastic on the ceiling too! My advice would be to check for visqueen on every room on 14th and 10th. Check for it in the garbage and ceilings also... And the nails and teeth of Lam for skin,  Also, copper coin with Lam initials. And the ball gag mentioned. probably has some saliva on it. although I think such careful murderers would have taken care of it ... Check for the wooden chair with straps, i bet some blood or chemicals would be left on the chair or the straps.The boss has lots of scars,  dunno if he has eyes or not. Seems like he can move by himself. Dun understand that part well.

Number 4 and 5 is the reason I suspect this story. It has so much details that fit so nicely to all the clues, it seems impossible to make it out of thin air. Also, there is evidence in the story there is much contemplation before killing. I guess the reason why he wrote this is because he want an outlet to showoff what he has done. He chose a conspiracy forum to write so that no one will suspect. But his perfect grammar and sentences are not common in this conspiracy forum,making it odd and stand out of other threads.

All this attention on this gruesome story makes me sick. So it's time out for me. Hope someone else can investigate on it. 

Updated:7th March 2013
I found this post on 天涯。作者是那个去塞西尔饭店视频的人。不过已经没有继续跟进了。里面当然是用华语的。[VB%E8%B0%83%E6%9F%A5]
8th March
These are replies to other ppl by myself on FB. It's some analyzing.

 i was thinking the writer wanted to say "the real actual story" on the title, but decided to use a more vague "final discussion" but there was no "discussion", final discussion means there is no room for other explanation except this one! n notice the perfect grammar, it's meticulous n careful just like the murderer in his story.

i dunno how it is possible to suck everything out from the nose, seems impossible, the nose can stop bleeding after a while. i guess the volcanic eruption is not describing as it happens since he is not probably is a description of how it looks like after everything is finished! she is on a chair ... tat means the blood bled out from the face and flowed down to the floor like a eruption! another example of how impossible it is to make this story out of thin air!

 i saw ur post and i didn'tot abt tis b4. u are right. she is expecting some one to come from the right. but she came from the left! so i went to re watch the video by the china guy (film transformer, thanks for his hard work) who went to cecil. i realise my guess was right! the buttons are on the left, so she probably waited at the center, after pressing to see which elevator come first!

this lead me to another thing we shld cfm...he said the boss came up from the stairs. I re watch the film transformer video again and see there were two stairs both on each side, this makes me wonder how in the world did the writer knew abt the structure of hotel Cecil!

I was talking this story to a friend and suddenly i realised what he meant by sweat on the black plastic. My friend said it's because the black one is more porous and say maybe the police should check who bought lots of visqueen lately. But it suddenly dawn upon me that maybe the sweat is because of the warmth of the makes the plastic warm so the moisture will condense. although i am not sure why the clear visqueen won't... or maybe my friend is correct about the porous part. anyway it's creepy.

 I don't live in america, I saw this case on a taiwanese show 关键时刻。they exaggerate it a lot but at least it's entertaining. but i decided to analyse this case myself. stumbled on this post on GLP because i go to GLP frequently.

 I didn't really bothered abt the timeline of the entire case, when did it happen anyway? the post replying it is also feb 26 so i guess it can't be faked or changed.

yup, that's his only post on Godlike productions. I use Google to search his user id.

Monday 4 March 2013

"me tel u now" thread

Below is the opening post on the "me tel u now" thread. After reviewing more than 100 predictions, I decided on this collection to start the thread: 

"many things go wrong 15 may because door opens with portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings
sharon will dimise be4 15 may
mandela will dimise be4 15 may
thatcher will stroke be4 15 may
japan warring thing will commenceing before 15 may secretly
oil gets very big sicknes no use anymore after 15 may
old bush will very sick be4 15 may
cheney will dimise be4 15 june
obama accident before 27 aperil
big sicknes be4 15 may
very moving earth on 17 aperils
oceon not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to come drown
brown cheat be4 15 may
putin missing after 15 may many worry people do crazy things"

This is one of the first statements made by the Entity, and it was repeated at various times: 
"u ask me many question me first answer u by xplain 
to unerstan u and u in the univers u must unerstan these things 
first u must unerstan the ilusion of infinti 
then u must unerstan the infinty of ilusion 
this mean noting but xplain everythings 
so first u lern the u 
then u lern the univers 
then this xplain al and mean something"

More references to oil sickness and to the Japan earthquake and radiation:
"me post probabilitys ok
me cee crash plane on deck of us war ship 55 dimise
me cee us bomer crash sea
me cee many dolfin and whale go suicide
me cee 250 plus more demise acident and crash of plane europe people
me cee very moving earth again people of same shape eye japan
me cee sicknes go people of india and people of korea
me cee very oil sicknes people of america grow biger not aford buy oil anymores
me cee america people very angry go damage monument there capitol ok
me cee very big and final earth war this line time but u can stop stil
please forget oil yor oil become enemy after september yor line time
oil get radiation as me tel u be4 why u not belive me
me cry 4 u"

On how we think, read and interpret:
"write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good thing 4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture good thing 4 mind
picture u remember 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not think anymore"
"the reason sumaria write in picture is they want last generation u to unerstan 2000 years later ok
if they rite data on disk u not able deciferings disk 4 u not have same reading device 2 read their data 2000 year later
sumaria write on stone to survive al yor teknology ok and alow u to stil unerstan 2000 years later simple ok"

The Entity explains free will:
"me ask elders about explain frewil beter
elders say me explain like this
god give u eg
eg is there eg already created eg exist
u use frewil decide what do about eg
u can make choice boil eg eat eg
u can make choice bake eg eat eg
u can make choice u leve eg but eg get roten but eg stil there
u can make choice u not eat other animal so u throw eg away eg get roten somewere else but eg stil exist u wil smel eg eventualy
eventualy u must decide and deal with eg
time colide is like eg
god make time colide
time colide is there time colide already created time colide exist
eventualy u must decide what u want do with time colide and deal with it
u can not change what god created but with frewil u must decide what u do with time colide ok
me say eat eg because eg good for u b4 get roten then eg very bad 4 u"

The researchers asked the Entity to explain the concept of trinity:
"first me try xplain mind body spirit
me xplain true trinity
trinity is mind body and spirit
trinity is farther child and mother
yor sumerian symbol of sumeria queen is dove
yor religion leaders long ago decide not use female 4 church leaders and leading
so they remove female esence from child and remove mother esence from spirit
they then say trinity is father son and spirit al male esence
this was to distract deceive to change church and religion 4 male control only and dominating
that where al yor religion go wrong in history
farther is the mind
son daughter or child is the body
mother is the spirit ok
the mother spirit esence is the balance is the harmony is the glue
the mother is between the farther and son or child
the spirit is between mind and body
religion without mother spirit esence is not spiritual but false teachings 4 control
trinity is the family of life
trinity is sum experince of mind body and spirit ok
now me try xplain how get ready mind body spirit
make ready yor mind understaning whatever hapens
make ready yor spirit aceptance whatever hapens
make ready body not 2 fear 4 death body not real u only vehicle u
me unerstan many u more scare pain of death than death itself this only body scared not real u
if death was painles then many more would partake ok yes no
dimising is not ending but new begining progres
death is progres is grow" 

On the law of attraction:
"me try xplain this beter
u r god in yor universe
but u not god in gods universe
u need unerstan this 
u can only be god in yor own universe
u can not be god in gods universe ok
u not in yor own universe yet ok
u keep on belive u get yor own universe 
this take many line times lived then u get yor own universe you play god
now u just belive u part god universe only
eventual u create yor universe by belive
but 4 now u r god in training ok"

"what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok"

The Entity referred to dolphins and mentioned their importance on a number of occasions. Dolphins somehow balance certain vibrations on Earth. Specifics were given, but that part was not cleared by Echelon for release. We should keep an eye on dolphin behaviour and events involving dolphins. Their behaviour heralds events and Earth changes:
"this planet first al water
then ground comes
dolfin decideing to walk ground your planet
many wars happen
then dolfin evolv remember water glory
dolfin then go back and swim water glory
dolfin most clever on this planet line time "
"seawater has residu from dolfin comunication
dolfin sqeek cause vibration of seawater to becom becon and balance energy
dolfin more advanse than human this planet line time
u must study dolfin"

"dolfin always love al creature with god esense even human
dolfin unerstan freedom of god esense many life time this line time
dolfin keep your earth balance
dolfin protect al planet and al creature on earth with god esense
now human kil 2 many dolfin be4 time we want rescu dolfin bring them our planet share
dolfin agree come our line time 15 may we prepare place"

"many dolfin already sacrifice for keep harmonics balance yor planet and make yor suferings les
very very big sufering coming and dolfin can not stop this even they try be brave but not enough
u must lern harmonics yor planet soon or u demise not knowing anything and begin 0000 again"

"yes sound dolfin make heal brainwave of al creature earth
dolfin sound cause synaps make beter contact in brain make miracel hapen
dolfin balanse harmonics of earth vortex ok"

"many being live deep oceon and holow earth can give u human answer and helpings
when u unerstand oceon u wil unerstan how cosmic travelings work easy ok
oceon have same compositing than space same element ok
u unerstan salt and water and magnet u wil unerstan life and everything living"

me tel u watch sun
me tel u watch dolfin
me tel u watch cern
me tel u watch pope
me tel u watch moving earth
cee wat yor sun is doing
cee wat yor dolfin is doing
cee wat cern is doing
cee wat pope is doing and saying
cee wat moving is doing and why
ask yor leaders
yor leaders prepare
u stil not prepare why
0000 is here make ready yor mind soul body now"

Comments by the Entity on the spiritual evolution of aliens/extraterrestrials and ascension (some specifics remains classified): 
"they r many evolved fisical but not many evolve spiritul
u human have evolve more spritual then them
but they want hold on their wise teknology
their god is their teknology"

"me unerstan yor acension asking wordings
me tel u now your acension is nothing more then mas abuction thing ok"

"we won war with reptile our line time long ago we evolve then
reptile yor line time keep u back u can not grow"

"we kil many dragons many line times 1 long ago
stil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes"

"earth not solid
me not know al theory things
dragon like beings live holow ground stil
they good now
they very wise now
they peaceful like dolphin now"

"me not know al these things
even stranger beings exist other line times
beings evolving al line times always never stop"

"we can speek to al creature who have mind 2 understan ok"

Some questions asked by the Entity to the researchers:
"ok me first question ask
wat purpose yor moon
me line time moon demise long ago
life become better with no moon
why u stil have moon
wat purpose yor moon have u
moon not natural heaven body
moon put there by other being to control earth mood
without moon big calm comes over peoples no big storm anymore only litel storm
without moon peace among people
elders say old race capture moon from space then put next earth
elders say moon forces work like time mashine keep control time
moon also control mood of beings on planet in this line time"

"me have question
me ask question now
me cee u xplore mars planet with many mony and resourcings
why u not xplore deep oceon yor own planet with same many mony and resourcings
deep oceon give al aswers yor existencing and future
deep oceon have much knowledges u stil need lern
me tel u some secret
some places deep oceon water presures so big that air u breeth can not buble to surface
this air traping cause big caverns where humans can live and do breathings of good air and plant and live very wel
deep oceons have many crystal solves al yor energising needs no polution
u ignore yor best lifeline by not seekings answerings from yor own deep oceon
god provide deep oceon why u not use what is given
earth is a water planet yet u leaders look answers in space why
deep oceon have al answer for cosmic travelings this line time why u ignore this in your history
when u solve mysteries of deep oceon u wil solve mysteries of space ask dolfin they tel u this ok"

"me have more question
me ask question now
what purpos religion when leaders not godlike not real gods
what purpos building tempel when no gods there
what purpos building church when no gods there
what purpos building mosk when no gods there
what purpos pray big wall when god not a wall
what purpos pray statue when god not a statue
what purpos pray river when god not a river
why cow holy when cow not even know god
why monkey sacred when monkey not even know god
only holy animals this line time is dolphin
not need pray dolfin like a god but must respect dolfin very much" 

"me ask question now
why u adult stil drink milk
why u drink mother milk from other speci not human"

"me ask elders about gold
elders say eye must ask
eye ask now
where is this gold
yor leaders not keep gold
yor leaders not have many gold anymore
leaders always give yor gold to other planet beings
why u not know this
u not wory gold
gold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet gold
biger wory when oil gets sickness"

"me have question
me ask question now
me cee ground sufer not water very dry people hungry
but oceon ful water
why u not take salt away from cea water and use on land
oceon enough water to make al ground even desert into forest al people can eat nice enough
why u not pump oceon water everywere
u can make big bom but u can not make big fresh water from oceon
big boms very bad
big fresh water always good"

Some Closing Notes:
(a) English was the primary language used by the Entity. Another language was perfect Latin. The contrast/contradiction between the childlike use of English and that of the Latin is apparently explained in the master copy of the Echelon files, as are other topics. This file was never made available to me and still remains Centrally Classified to this day. "Centrally Classified" indicates an intel grouping where even the classification is classified. This intel falls under various National and International Intelligence Directives (NIID; pronounced "need" in intelligence lingo).

(b) The CHANI project was a natural outflow of the research done at the collider facility. Among other things, the time-space fabric was tested and experimented on. When protons collide, then what about time? Can times collide? This was the irony of the research done at the collider. They were looking at the possibility of times colliding—and the researchers were not disappointed. The CHANI project was proof thereof. Other aspects of the timeline phenomenon were also researched and tested, e.g., time machines/devices, conscious projection of awareness of "human subject" forward or backward in time, and projection of "objects" (mostly sub-nano quantum recording devices) forward and backward in time. 

(c) I will comment briefly on aspects of the concept of time as it was covered in the CHANI research. Time is linear and moves in a circle, i.e., a single line drawn in a circle: 0 to 0000, then back again to 0 (beginning to end to beginning). There are many of these circular timelines and sometimes they interchange or cross each other, similar to the gravitational waves and orbits of solar bodies. When they intersect some beings, or their developed awareness, they can jump from one to another and don't have to repeat the (time) line they were following previously. Others don't jump but can see the other timeline and interact with beings on that timeline while the crossing takes place. Sometimes beings can cross our line and see us coming to the crossing before we even get there. This last instance describes "our" meeting/colliding with the Entity. (By "our", I'm referring to the R&A researchers.) 
Time is also elastic and can be stretched, resulting in a time-stretch phenomenon. Some researchers commented on how déjà vu can fit into this paradigm, as well as on how the "time is elastic" model seems to be the only workable model to describe and define time travel. The "time is elastic" model also explains the colliding of realities at the same time. As far as the CHANI project was concerned, the elastic properties of time helped to explain why no year was given, only dates. 
A further "help" was how the Entity described the direct and "planned" influence of the Moon on the human perception of time. Because the Entity didn't have a moon in his parallel/time universe (they destroyed or "killed" it), giving a year date was impossible and turned their calculation of our time into "probabilities" rather than "possibilities". The Entity explained that his Elders originally had calculated our dates using a 28-day, 13-month mathematical model, but that they themselves couldn't decide on the appropriate maths and starting dates to use with our current timeline on Earth. The procession of time and our awareness of time are directly controlled by our Moon. 
The Moon has an effect on the body, mind and spirit of every living organism on this planet. This is why the Entity's Elders destroyed their moon. They wanted to get rid of the moon's influence. They received the advice to do so from inner-planet beings. Without the moon, there were five immediately observable changes:
(1) The most notable changes were in the mood and temperament of the beings/civilisations living there. 
Without the moon, they became more calm and peaceful. Anxiety and emotional fear had a dramatic decline among the population and even the animals. All living beings were affected.
(2) There were weather and climate changes. The oceans became much calmer. Heavy thunderstorms and lightning became a rarity. The climate became balanced all over their planet. Extreme cold or heat became something of the past.
(3) They developed an enhanced new colour spectrum. They could see and differentiate between new colours in a way that they couldn't do before.
(4) A great majority of the population became aware of their telepathic communication abilities, especially between parents and children and among siblings. Children born after the "demise" of the moon were able to communicate with inner-plane beings without the need of training, Elder guidance or instruments.
(5) There were major changes to their respiratory system. Their blood and breathing chemistry changed or adapted. Children born after the moon's demise were able to hold their breath under water for hours at a time.

(d) I have to point out to the reader that there were certain topics that the Entity was very reluctant to address or to provide more detail on, other than what was already covered. Some topics were refused outright (these topics are classified). One of these "reluctant" topics was the naming and description of inner-Earth beings, their role in our development as well as the appointed hierarchy and who appointed such a hierarchy. 

(e) During the period when technicians tried to re-establish contact with the Entity, the research notes make mention of the introduction of a quantum antidote/virus with artificial-intelligence string gathering properties and an estimated dormant period of 10 years. Technicians came to the conclusion that once the code was introduced into the collider network, it would lie dormant while gathering artificial intelligence on how to re-establish contact. Simply put, they thought it would fix itself, given enough time. 
However, I'm quite certain that the CHANI project did end in 2000, so I don't know if this project was re-opened under another science or if it flowed or merged into another. I mention this because, with the recent outbreak of the Stuxnet virus and the comments made by technicians, I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the similarities between the current Stuxnet outbreak and the "code" properties that the technicians discussed at the time of the CHANI–Y2K issue. That was in 2000; Stuxnet surfaced in 2010. A 10-year dormant period? I wonder, but that's a whole new conspiracy for another day.

Thanks to whoever did this summary.
Although the time is off, I decided to put this up for people to see... Dolphins , government system, drinking of milk, gold, idolatry are subjects that are truly important and his take is fair.